Training for professionals

Professional events

Throughout the year the Hope Service run and host events for professionals, including social workers, teachers, nurses, family support workers and others who are involved in the care of young people who maybe experiencing difficulties.

Please check back regularly for any additional training opportunities.

Twilight sessions for Surrey secondary school teachers, support staff and colleges

The Hope Service are offering our popular Twilight sessions. The sessions will be delivered via Microsoft Teams. As these sessions are interactive the facilitators will ask participants to switch on their cameras. Failure to do this will result in your school/college being withdrawn from future sessions.

If you are a Surrey secondary school teacher, learning support, teaching assistant and Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) or College staff you can register for as many sessions as you like. You must use your Surrey school/college email address to book otherwise your booking will not be accepted.

A Microsoft teams link will be emailed to the registered school or college address a few days before the event.

Date and timeSession outlineBook on Eventbrite
Wednesday 15 January 2025
3.45pm - 5.15pm

Managing self-harm in school:

  • What do we mean by self-harm.
  • Factors and reason for self-harming behaviours.
  • What to do if you are worried about a young person self-harming
Book here for managing self-harm
Wednesday 12 February 2025
3.45pm - 5.15pm

Supporting young people in school with Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC):

  • How you can support a young person with ASC in school
  • Recognising the signs of a young person masking
  • Useful strategies for young people with ASC.
Book here for supporting young people with ASC
Wednesday 12 March 2025
3.45pm - 5.15pm

Working with hard to engage families:

  • Ideas for working effectively with families that show resistance, hostility or disguised compliance.
  • Gain an understanding on how to recognise and make sense of lack of cooperation and reasons for non-cooperation families
  • Understand the impact on the young person
  • How to ensure effective multi-agency working from a school's perspective.
Book here for working with hard to engage families
Wednesday 23 April 2025
3.45pm - 5.15pm

Working with young people affected by Trauma

  • A brief introduction to the causes and effects of trauma on the adolescent brain
  • How we work with young people affected by trauma within the Hope Service
  • Some useful tools/ideas to engage and support young people at school who may have experienced trauma.
Book here for working with Trauma
Wednesday 14 May 2025
3.45pm - 5.15pm

Creating an accessible learning environment

  • Making the learning environment more accessible, inclusive and safer, whilst simultaneously improving behaviour management
  • Recognising the various needs of our students
  • Identifying simple 'quick wins' that appeal to different learners
  • Consider the 'middle path' of behaviour management
  • Tips and strategies that do not require hours of additional work but will help a variety of learners engage more fully in lessons
Book here for creating an accessible learning environment
Wednesday 11 June 2025
3.45pm - 5.15pm

Non-Violent Resistance (NVR) approach in school

  • To understand how a non-violent resistance approach can support young people who demonstrate complex patterns of disruptive, aggressive or even violent behaviours
  • Reduce the traumatic impact of restraint and exclusion, through the approaches of: De-escalation, school presence, active resistance and activating networks of support.
Book here for NVR
Wednesday 9 July 2025
3.45pm - 5.15pm

Effective risk management in school to support young people with mental health needs

  • To understand the elements of a robust risk assessment within the school environment
  • To promote child-centred risk assessments
  • To provide school staff with a risk assessment proforma
  • To provide school staff with the tools to create robust risk assessments for young people with social, emotional and mental health presentations
  • To provide school staff with the tools to create risk assessments which promote collaboration with parents and carers and young people
Book here for risk management