Families Learning About Self Harm (FLASH) is a 10 week programme for Hope parents and carers of young people aged between 11 to 18 that exhibit self-harming behaviours where these are impacting on the family as a whole. The programme aims to reduce stress levels to a manageable level. If your young person is not open to the Hope Service, please contact your local Surrey Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) team.
The FLASH programme includes the following topics:
- Introductory session: what is self-harm and risk taking behaviour?
- Teen development and implications for relationships and communication
- The difference between suicide and self-harm: myths, fears and reality
- Listening skills
- Praise and building self-esteem
- Walking on egg-shells – parenting styles
- Consequences – setting limits and managing boundaries
- Looking after yourself as a parent – managing the difficult times
- Looking after the family – effect of self-harm on other family members
- Putting it all together, evaluation and ending
- Sessions will occur weekly with 8 to 12 participants in a supportive environment.
As a Hope parent and carer, please contact your young persons Hope Coordinator to express your interest or to find out more about the programme and future dates.
Feedback from parents and carers that have attended the programme:
- Meeting other parents going through the same thing
- I have found the course so helpful, it has been very emotional at times but I have learnt a lot about communication and it has made me realise how far we have come
- It was an excellent course and provided a good safe support network
For further information visit The Ministry of Parenting website for useful help and tips.